Here is a copy of Delia's life history, written by Helen Garrett. I will work on transcribing this later, unless anyone else wants to do that for me before I get there...

Here is Delia's Patriarchal Blessing:
The Patriarchal Blessing of Delia Curtis, daughter of John and Sarah Byam, born in the town of Chelsford, Middlesex Co. Massachusetts 4 Dec 1789.
Sister Delia, I lay my hands upon your head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and seal you up unto Eternal Life as a blessing upon your head and as a memorial for your generations after, for you[r] name shall be recorded with the names of the blessed and shall go down to generations after you with honor, even to be perpetuated unto the latest generation, for you are of the Israelitish descent and your lineage is through the loins of Jaco, whose offsprings are among the nations, and whose seed are among the gentiles therefore, you shall be numbered with his seed, even the seed of Jacob, and be numbered with the blest, ad enter into the everlasting covenant, and receive and rejoice in your children, and that cometh upon your father's house, and your inheritance shall be with your fathers, and as to your blessings temporally shall be in common with your husband, and your name shall be perpetuated through the lineage of the Priesthood to go down with your posterity as a blessing according to the desires of your heart and you shall be blest in days and in years with seeing and hearing much of the salvation of God, and A Crown of Glory, Celestial, in the mansion of your father, and a place with Sarah and Rachel. These blessings I seal upon your head, even so, Amen.
Given by Hyrum Smith, at Nauvoo, Ill. 28 March 1843
James Hoem (?), Clerk
(Copied from the original blessing by Larua Christensen Alger.)
And Delia's endowment record from the Nauvoo Temple:
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